Sunday, November 8, 2009

Update: Interview with A Buddy

'Kay peoples! I'm gonna interview a friend of mine: Fresha! (Free-shuh)

First question: What's your favorite song?
A: (thinking) I Just Laugh by Never Shout Never

Q: If you were to turn into any animal right now, what would you turn into, and why?
A: A goldfish because they have a seven second attention span like me. Food! Oh Food! OH LOOK A BUTTERFLY!

Q: Okay, uhm... what's your favorite fruit and why?
A: I like strawberries, no no no, yeah I like Strawberries because they're delicious!

Q: What would you bring with you if you were stranded on an island?
A:  I'd bring a boat so I can get off, no wait! I'd bring a house, so then I'd live in a house, and I'd own it.

Q: How do you like your steak?
A: It's between medium rare or well done.

Q: What's your favorite movie?
A: The Hangover.

Q: Why do you think you have a short attention span?
A: Cause I'm asian like that. Haha

Q: Say you were Spongebob facing off with Nazi Zombies from Call of Duty. What would you do?
A: I'd, well since he's a sponge, I'd like, lock myself in a closet, shape myself into a box, put myself in to a bigger box, wait until the coast is clear, and then run for it.

Q:Was there any experience that have changed your view on how you eat hamburger?
A: No. (Weird, cause I've had one -michelle)

Q: So what do you tihnk of those four heads that are hanging on your uncle's computer desk?
A: Uh... they look scary. (and colorful from one of Fresha's cousins)

Q from Fresha: Do you wanna go to the coffee shop right now?
A: sure sure (from me)

Q from Fresha: Why do you think me and Luke are such a cute couple?
A: because you guys would have so much compatibility together, and you guys are like barbie and ken. Haha lol


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